Sunday 6 November 2011

Movember Moustaches - Part 1

While the concept of growing moustaches in November (or Movember) to raise awareness for prostate cancer is a recent phenomenon, moustaches themselves have a long history.  Throughout November, I will be featuring a variety of historical moustaches that would undoubtedly win any Movember contest.  To learn more about the Movember movement, click here.

The first historical Movember candidate is none other than Ambrose Burnside, a Union general in the American Civil War whom we can thank for giving us the word "sideburn." He was obviously blessed with the ability to grow voluminous amounts of hair on the side of his face and as a result, his name was used to label the very distinctive style.  While General Burnside is known more for his sideburns  than his moustache, the argument could be made that they are in fact one and the same.

Unfortunately for Burnside, his contribution to society is limited to his facial hair. It is quite possible that he focused too much of his attention on grooming his follicles and not quite enough on leading the army. His strategy at the battle of Fredericksburg in 1862 went a little something like this:

Soldier: Great job on taking over the town General! We sure showed those Confederate scoundrels whose boss.

Burnside: Thanks soldier, but I would really love to give those southerners another kick in the pants. Why don't we go chase them as they retreat up that hill?

Soldier: Great idea! I am sure they won't be able to mow us down in their advantageous position on top of the hill. It is quite unlikely that waves of Confederates will rush down the hill and decimate our army.

Burnside's brilliant strategy led to a massive defeat for his army, but maybe it was all for the best. We wouldn't want his military accomplishments outshining his contribution as a style icon.

 This blog originally appeared on March 4, 2009 on my other blog

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